Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Bra Care for the Very Busy

Caring for your bra shouldn't get in the way of your routine
Last week we suggested 4 Tips for your Best Fitting Bra Ever including a section that discussed proper bra care. Intimate apparel can be expensive and it is important to care for it to extend its useful life. But taking care of your bras does not have to be time consuming! In fact, washing your bra can easily fit into your morning routine without waking up any earlier than you would otherwise. Sound too good to be true? Read on!

Note: It is a good idea to have multiple bras that you rotate between. This way you can afford to wash only one bra at a time which makes washing your bras less of a chore (and puts less stress on your intimates).

We suggest that you soak your intimates for about 10 minutes in cold water before washing them. This will reduce the amount of scrubbing necessary which makes it easier to clean and safer for your delicates.  Morning tip: When you wake up, fill your sink with cold water and let your bra soak while you shower.

Hand washing does not have to be difficult! Once you are done in the shower take your bra from the sink and gently rub the areas of the bra that touch your skin with a small amount of soap.

Rinse off any extra soap with clean water, easy as that!

Use a towel to pat your bra dry (don’t rub or you might damage the bra) and then hang it to dry. Over a shower curtain rod is the perfect place to hang a drying bra!

These simple steps will only add a minute or two to your normal morning routine and is the perfect way to incorporate proper bra care into your busy lifestyle. Subscribe to our blog to read more helpful tips on topics ranging from how a good fitting bra can benefit your health to how to reduce your risk for breast cancer. 

Thursday, July 26, 2012

4 Tips for Your Best Fitting Bra Ever

A comfortable bra is one of the most important elements in your wardrobe, yet many women across the globe are wearing a bra that does not fit them for one reason or another. These women do not realize that their perfect bra is out there; it just may take some time to find. Here are 4 easy tips for how to find the perfect bra and how to take care of it once you find it.

1. Re-measure often
Like any part of your body, your breasts are constantly changing. Even if you have been the same size your entire life, you may be surprised by the comfort of a different size. You should be re-measured after a change in your weight (even if it is only a few pounds!), during pregnancy or about once per year.

2. Try every bra on
Even within the same brand bras can be drastically different. Even if you find one that is very comfortable, the next might pinch or lack support where you need it. Think of the time that you spend trying bras on as an investment in your own comfort. It may be time consuming but you are worth it!

3. Take care of your bra
It is always best to hand wash your bra in cold water although machine washing is possible. It is very important that all bras hang to dry since heat will weaken the elastic. Also, since washing can strain your delicates, your bras will last longest if you have several that you rotate between instead of using the same few every day.

4. Know when to replace
Bras should be replaced after approximately 100 wears and washes. After this point the straps start to lose their elasticity and will fall down. This is not only annoying but it also places more strain on your back and shoulders. If you are not sure how long you have had your bra, it is a good idea to look for a replacement once the colors begin to fade, the straps get stretched out or a hole develops.

No woman should settle for a bra that no longer fits her or is not the ideal size and shape for her body. If you are ready to upgrade your intimates, a fit specialist is ready to help at Jay Ann Intimates! You can  get more information by e-mailing us at info@jayannintimates.com or calling us at 215-942-0120.